This is a CSS and JavaScript technique that lets you add a shadow to most elements on your page with a customizable shadow depth and coloring. Just give the element in question a class name of "shadow" to activate the effect.
Blogger beta:图片解剖Blogger beta模板代码
message board
Customizing your header: add an image
Super Peek-A-Boo Posts
All Feeds by Feedburner
Using a Lightbox
Social Bookmarking Revisited
lable cloud
适用于Blogger Beta的页内评论:lightbox
Blogger beta:"Top of Page"、"Top of post"
博文 (Atom)
What is JavaScript?
JavaScript is a scripting language originally developed by Netscape to add interactivity and power to web documents. It is purely client side, and runs completely on the client's browser and computer.
Difference betwen Java & JavaScript?
Java is completely different from JavaScript- the former is a compiled language while the later is a scripting language.
What is DHTML? (table example) |
DHTML is the embodiment of a combination of technologies- JavaScript, CSS, and HTML. Through them a new level of interactivity is possible for the end user experience. |